About Us

About New Birth Centre

Our professional addiction therapists at new birth centre initially determine the nature of addiction to promote faster recovery from addiction and mental illness. Specifically, we offer a unique personalized care for individuals based upon their preferences. Our addiction therapists also provide the individual counseling and aftercare recovery resources for effectively treating the addictive and psychiatric disorders. New Birth Centre provides a continuum of care for a people who are struggling with co-occurring disorders such as vocational rehabilitation and outpatient services. Our experts and professional therapists are available 24 hours a day to assists the people

Why Choose Us?


Empower individuals with the ability to live their life independently, happily and to the fullest


Our aim is to bring back to normal life of individuals who suffer from addiction problems.


Our team of professionals and experts who undergo a result-oriented approach that make individuals to live healthy sober life!

Rehabilitation Services

Our best de addiction hospital in Chennai, provide best treatment programs for addiction problems.